Sunday, February 13, 2011

Black and Blue-Demo 2011

Black and Blue from Chicago just dropped a demo earlier this year. Members of Thought Crusade and Expired Youth (check them out if you haven't yet) I heard talk about this for a while. A lot of hype and they definitely deserve it. All of it.

Black and Blue plays an early NYHC style of hardcore (think Warzone, United Blood era AF, Cro-mags etc) and they do it really well. There are a lot of bands trying to do that style right now and even though I like most of them, this band is doing it better. They also add in clips from Notorious BIG, Big L, Nas etc. in their songs and I think it's pretty damn sweet. That might sound weird but believe me it fits and flows with the rest of the music perfectly. I'm not sure what they have planned next show-wise or record-wise but hopefully they don't just stop with this demo because I want to hear more.

"Stop wasting your time. Stop showing your face"

Check it out!

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